2023 Volunteer Registration

This registration is for all adults who are able to donate their time to assist our children through instruction of baseball/softball.  As mandated by Little League International, "all local Little Leagues are required to conduct background checks on managers, coaches, board of directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular services to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams." 

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The Registration "" is not currently available.


Registration for 2023 ELL / TEB Summer Program is now open!!

Boys and girls between ages 6-12, who reside or attend school in Eastchester, Tuckahoe, or Bronxville, can register using the link below. 

Please be aware that this registration is for little league age only (Boys born between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2017; Girls born between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2016).

Little League Age Determination (eastchesterll.org)


The summer program will consist of an evaluation process to determine program placement for which your child may participate.  This evaluation process will help to give your child the opportunity to be placed in the appropriate program to compete within their skill level as well as maximize their opportunity to improve.

Options will include

a) travel team at an advanced level of competition,

b) travel team at a competitive level, or

c) or our instructional clinic program.

Program will be based on age and placement determined at the sole discretion of the league. 

We are very excited to introduce this opportunity to the community for our children to play baseball or softball this summer regardless of their skill level.  

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2023 Spring Season Registration - Baseball, Softball, T-Ball

Boys and girls between ages 4-12, who reside or attend school in Eastchester, Tuckahoe, or Bronxville, can register using the link below. 

Please be aware that this registration is for little league age only (Boys born between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2019; Girls born between January 1, 2010 and August 31, 2019).

Little League Age Determination (eastchesterll.org)

Divisions are as follows:


T-Ball Girls 1/1/2017-8/31/2019

Minor League Girls 1/1/2015-12/31/2016

Tiny Titans Girls 1/1/2014-12/31/2014

National League Girls 1/1/2012-12/31/2013

American League Girls 1/1/2010-12/31/2011

14U Girls 1/1/2008-12/31/2009


T-Ball Boys 9/1/2017-8/31/2019

Rookies Boys 9/1/2015-8/31/2017

Minor League Boys 9/1/2014-8/31/2015

National League Boys 9/1/2012-8/31/2014

American League Boys 9/1/2010-8/31/2012


Scheduling for baseball and softball is a complex process which cannot be determined in advance.  It is dependent upon a variety of factors, including the final total number of registrations, field availability, and each manager's personal availability.  Older divisions will likely practice at least once per week and play 1 to 2 games.  T-Ballers will likely play on a fixed weekend day at varying times and locations.

2023 Fall Baseball / Softball Season

Our fall programs will run for 6-8 weeks depending on age group (9/10/2023-10/30/2023).  Registration is now open for our fall boys baseball, girls softball, and Tball programs for the following age groups:


-Tball Boys (Born 9/1/2018-8/31/2020)

-Rookie Boys (Born 9/1/2016-8/31/2018)

-MLB (Born 9/1/2015-8/31/2016)

-NLB  (Born 9/1/2013-8/31/2015)

-ALB (Born 9/1/2011-8/31/2013)


-Tball Girls (Born 1/1/2018-8/31/2020)

-MLG (Born 1/1/2016-12/31/2017)

-Tiny Titans (Born 1/1/2015-12/31/2015)

-NLG (Born 1/1/2013-12/31/2014)

-ALG (Born 1/1/2011-12/31/2012)

-TEB 14U (Born 1/1/2009-12/31/2010)


TBALL Girls & Boys - 6-week instructional clinic, weekly program.  Saturday mornings at Cooper Field.   Please reach out to Anthony Giacobbe (anthony.giacobbe86@gmail.com) with any questions about this program. ($75)

Rookie Boys Baseball-6-week instructional clinic, weekly program.  Dates and time TBD.  Please reach out to Lou Chiapetta (louie.chiappetta@gmail.com) with any questions about this program. ($175)

Minor League Boys (MLB) Baseball Clinic & Games-Combination of clinic and games.  Dates and time TBD.  Please reach out to Jeff Sosis (jeff.sosis@gmail.com) with any questions about this program. ($175) 

American (ALB) & National (NLB) League Boys Baseball Season-Registration is now open for our fall baseball season.  Each age group will be playing games at our home fields and at other local little leagues during weeks of Sept 10 through Oct 30.  Please reach out for NLB to Sal Recupero  (sal.recupero@gmail.com) or for ALB to Ian Fairclough (ijfairclough@gmail.com) with any questions about this program. ($200)

Tiny Titans Girls Softball Season- Registration is now open for our fall softball teams.  Each age group will be playing games both at our home fields and other local little leagues during weeks of Sept 10 through Oct 30.   Please reach out to Michele Cade (mcrcade13@gmail.com) with any questions about this program. Tiny Titans ($175) 

Minor League Girls (MLG ) Softball Season - Registration is now open for our fall softball teams.  Each age group will be playing games both at our home fields and other local little leagues during weeks of Sept 10 through Oct 30.   Please reach out to Michele Cade (mcrcade13@gmail.com) with any questions about this program. MLG ($175)

American (ALG) & National (NLG) Girls Softball Season-Registration is now open for our fall softball teams.  Each age group will be playing games both at our home fields and other local little leagues during weeks of Sept 10 through Oct 30.  Please reach out for ALG to Ed Reardon (tebladytitans@gmail.com) or for NLG to Marty Geagan (MGeagan@winston.com) with any questions about this program. ($200) 

TEB 14U Girls Softball Season—Registration is now open for our fall TEB 14U girls’ softball team.  Our 14U softball team will play games at both our home fields and at other local 14U teams during the weeks of September 10th through October 30th.  Please reach out to Marty Geagan (MGeagan@winston.com) or Eddie Reardon (tebladytitans@gmail.com) with any questions about this program. ($200) 

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2023 Spring Challenger Registration

What is the Little League Challenger Program? 

The Little League Challenger Program is Little League’s adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges. 

Who can participate in the Little League Challenger Program? 

Any individual with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. If an individual can participate in the traditional Little League Baseball or Softball program with reasonable accommodations, they should do so. The Eastchester Little League Challenger Division accommodates players ages 4-12.

Little League International encourages the use of "buddies" for the Challenger players. The buddies assist the Challenger players on the field, but whenever possible, encourage the players to bat and make plays by themselves. The buddy is always nearby to help when needed.


These games will take place at Chester Heights on Saturday mornings from late April through late June.  9-10AM for 4th grade and up. and 10-11AM for Pre-K through 3rd grade.  All registered children will receive a full uniform.  


Please reach out to Ian Fairclough: ijfairclough@gmail.com

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2023 Spring Challenger Registration